Repository-Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo

To learn English, students need vocabulary in their effort to use English. Because without knowing more vocabulary, the students cannot study English well. It means that, vocabulary is very important for every learners who wants to master English because the learners will be difficult to master in English if they did not study vocabulary or their vocabulary is less. Students will experience difficulties in learning English if they lack vocabulary mastery. In fact, the students of Senior High School still lack of vocabulary and experience to memorize the vocabulary because the teachers use conventional method in teaching vocabulary. Nowadays, some innovations in English learning emerge for teaching vocabulary. One of them is hidden word game. The type of this research is experimental research. The number of the sample is 47. As the experimental group, the researcher uses class XI NKPI which consists of 23 students. Meanwhile as control group, the researcher takes 24 students of class XI TKR. The sampling technique which is used is simple random sampling. The instrument used to collect the data is a test. The form of the test is divided into two parts. Those are pre-test and post-test To analysis the data, the researcher used t-test formula. The result of the research shows that the mean score of pre-test in experimental group is 59.1 and the mean score of post-test is 82.5. While the mean score of pre-test in control group is 59.6 and the mean score of post-test is 64.9. Then the value of t-test is 8.41 and the t-table is 2.000. Then the researcher consults the critical value on the t-table using 5% (0.05) alpha level significance and the degree of freedom is 2.000.The result of computation shows that t-value is higher than t-table, that is 5.03>2.000 so it can be stated that the hypothesis “Hidden word game as a media for teachingvocabulary is effective” is accepted

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