Washington Irving. Appraisal is used when you want to negotiate our social
relationships. For example, when we want to give appraisal to someone’s
performance we can say “good job”. There are many aspects of appraisal
expression are engagement, attitude, and graduation. The aims of this study is to
explain kinds of appraisal and the functions found in the short story entitled Rip
Van Winkle by Washington Irving and to apply appraisal in short story entitled
Rip Van Winkle in speaking class. The researcher’s reasons in choosing that topic
are that the researcher knows that many students have lack knowledge about kind
of appraisal and the application in learning speaking.
This research used descriptive qualitative because the data collected is in the
form of words or picture rather than number. The data collection is supported by
using many sources including books and internet. In analyzing the data, the first
step is the researcher reads the short story, the second is the researcher collected
the data about appraisal expression in the short story, and the third is analyze the
After analyzing the data, the researcher concludes that there are 87
appraisals found in the short story entitled “Rip Van Winkle”. There are 25
(28.74%) affect, 18 (20.69%) judgement, and 44 (50.57%) appreciation. The
functions of affect is used to explore how people express their feeling in
discourse; judgement is used to evaluating people’s character; while appreciation
is used to explore how people feel about things. By using the result of this project,
the researcher hopes that students can easily understand kinds of appraisal. The
application of this study are the teacher used short story in speaking class
especially for the students in the tenth grade of senior high school in study
appraisal, so the students will be more interested and not bored.