1. The highest score of students who are taught by using Body Language Game
is 92 and the lowest score is 72. Then the mean is 83.33 and the standard
deviation is 6.04. the mean is included in the interval 80-100, so it is
belongs to excellent category.
2. The highest score of students who are taught by using Time Warp Game is
92 and the lowest score is 68. Then the mean is 82.26 and the standard
deviation is 6.09. The mean is included in the interval 80- 100, so it is
belongs to excellent category.
3. Based on the research finding which have been discussed in the previous
chapters, the conclusion can be drawn that there is no different result taught
reading English by using Body Language Game and Time Warp Game in
second semester of English department in university Muhammadiyah of
Purworejo in the academic year 2014/2015. It was found that the result of tvalue
is 0.72 and based on the 0.05 significant level, the value of the t-table
is 2.00. the computations show that t-value is lowest than t-table that is 0.72
< 2.00.