The researcher wants to find out how consistence the English Vowel used
by the tourists at Borobudur temple who speak in English. The purpose of this
research is describe the classification of English vowel used by the tourists at
Borobudur temple who speak in English.
Based on the result and its analysis, the researcher found that from all 6
native speaker,the first native speaker dominantly ( 65.62%) speak using BrE,
The second native speaker dominantly ( 75%) speak using AmE, The third
native speaker dominantly ( 56%) speak using BrE, The fourth native speaker
dominantly ( 91%) speak using AmE, The fifth native speaker dominantly (
87.5%) speak using BrE, and the last native speaker dominantly (84.85%) speak
using BrE.
The researcher hopes that the students get more activities namely speaking
in learning English not only in school but also in their daily activity because it can
improve their knowledge about English learning. Besides, The teacher hopefully
can consider the linguistict aspect from the object of the research to be used as his
teaching material. Student should do the exercise about affixes orally in class and
the teacher should give them homework related to it