Every speech that is produced or uttered by the characters called speech
act. It is an act that a speaker performs in making speech. Speech acts perform
when a speaker makes utterances. Speech act can be classified according to how
they affect to social interaction speakers and hearers. The most basic
categorization consists of five different types of speech acts: declaratives,
representatives, expresisves, directives and commissives. This research explains
about commissive speech that used in Spectre in teaching speaking.
This study used qualitative research because the researcher want to
describes about the kinds of commissives speech acts in Spectre movie.In this
research, the object as all the utterances of Spectre movie. The researcher use
documentation to collect the data. He did the steps such as reading, watching,
collecting, making table, classifying, making the table of the data that categorized
into commissives speech acts. The researcher used coding data technique when
analyzing the data to make the analysis easy and effective.
The result of this research shows that there are five kinds of commissive
speech acts in Spectre movie There are 18 utterances of offering, 15 planning, 6
promising, 4 vowing, and 2 betting. First is offering. There are 18 utterances that
are the number of percentage 40%. Second is planning. There are 15 utterances
that are the number of percentage 33.34%. Third is promising. There are 6
utterances that are the number of percentage 13.33%. Fourth is vowing. There are
4 utterances that are the number of percentage 8.89% and the last is betting. There
are 2 utterances the number of percentage 4.44%. The researcher hopes that this
research will be useful for teachers, students and other researcher.