This thesis is mainly determining students’ error in writing descriptive
text, and finding out the dominant error. This thesis has two objectives. First, it
aims to describe kinds of errors made by the eight grade students of SMPN 1
Klirong in the academic year of 2015/2016 in writing descriptive text. Second, it
aims to find out the dominant error.
This thesis uses descriptive qualitative as the research design. The subject
of the research was the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Klirong in the academic
year of 2015/2016 which consisted of 31 students. The instrument that the
researcher uses to collect the data is written test. In analyzing data, the researcher
classifies the students’ errors based on Surface Taxonomy Strategy into omission,
addition, misformation, and misordering.
The result of the study shows that all students make four types of errors,
even though in different percentage. There are 50 omission (37.88%), 24 addition
(18.18%), 45 misformation (34.10%), and 13 misordering (9.84%). It is concluded
that the dominant error made by the students is omission.