This research is concerned on the analysis of affixation in the Jakarta Post
articles. The subject of this thesis is the Jakarta Post articles published on January,
April, and May. The objectives of this research are to find out the forms of affixations
in the Jakarta Post articles, to find out the meanings of affixations in the Jakarta Post
articles, and to applicate of affixation on teaching grammar.
The research is qualitative descriptive method to explore the affixation in
the jakarta Post articles. The object of this thesis is articles in Jakarta Post, those
articles were published in January, April, and May 2014. The researcher took five
articles. Method of data collection were library research and observation. Method of
data analysis were searching Jakarta Post newspaper at www.jakartapost.com,
collecting the articles from Jakarta Post, classifying the article from Jakarta Post,
verifying the five suitable articles which would being analyzed, analyzing form and
meaning of affixation in those articles and applicating on teaching grammar.
The result of this thesis shows that the researcher found two kinds of
affixes, they were prefix and suffix. In prefix, there were prefixes with various
meaning. In suffix there were five formations. They were 5 suffixes ofverb formation,
119 suffixes of noun formation, 62 suffixes of adjective formation, 21suffixes of
adverb formation and no diminutive. Besides, the researcher also analyse about
inflectional affix there were 3 inflectional affixes. They were verb, noun and
adjective.They were 84 inflectional affixes of verb, 98 inflectional affixes of noun
and 8 inflectional affixes of adjective. In this research which took five articles in
Jakarta Post, the researcher found that noun formation was the most dominant
formation in those articles.There were 119 suffixes of noun formation and no
Based on the research findings, the researcher suggested some suggestions,
they were: for the researcher, the researcher shoud be able to give contribution as an
example in teaching English grammar. We know that in teaching English, we need to
give good examples in order to make the student understand about it. For English
Department, the study of affixation has a contribution for English department,
especially Muhammadiyah university of Purworejo about morphological study. For
the reader, the result of this thesis can be used as reference in studying grammar,
especially about affixation.