English is an international language in around the world. In Indonesia,
English is as foreign language. It is introduced from Junior High School. English
lesson becomes examination nationaly. Students needs to mastery English. It can
be achieved by appropriate media in teaching and learning in classroom.
Therefore, teacher should improve students skill of English using effective media.
Generally, the students love drawing. Drawing have many advantages. When
someone has drawn a picture of a scene, he knows the meanings of the English
words that the teacher will use while talking about parts of his scene. The
meanings are in his mind before he is given the English word. Therefore, the
researcher uses drawing picture as media in teaching and learning in the seventh
grade students at SMP Negeri 1 Klirong.
Based on the statement above, the purpose of this study is to find out
whether using drawing picture is effective or not to improve vocabulary mastery
at the seventh grade students at SMP Negeri 1 Klirong, Kebumen in the academic
year 2012/2013
This research belongs to pre experimental research design and takes intactgroup
comparison. The populations of the research are the seventh grade students
at SMP Negeri 1 Klirong in the academic year 2013/2014. There are 253 students
in the fourth-grade, so the population is 253 students. The researcher uses random
sampling whith takes two classes as sample. It is experimental group and control
group. To collect the data the researcher used tests as the instrument, they are pretest
and post- test. Pre- test is conducted before the researcher gives treatment to
the students. Post- test is conducted after researcher gives after treatment. The
type of the test is multiple choice and essay tests which consist of 20 questions.
To analyze the test the researcher uses descriptive analysis and inferential
After analyzing the data, the researcher concludes that there is differnt
acceptence of sevents grade students SMP Negeri 1 Klirong Kebumen in
vocabulary mastery. The result of t- value is 4.550. Based on the 0.05 significant
levels, the value table is 1.94. It means that t-test is higher than the value table.
That showed on t- table (4.550>1.94). In other words, the use of drawing picture
as medium is effective. Based on the result finding, it can be concluded that using
drawing picture is effective to improve vocabulary mastery of the seventh grade
students at SMP Negeri 1 Klirong Kebumen in the academic year 2013/2014.