English is an international language. In English, students learn four skills
that we have to master: speaking, reading, writing, and listening. Among those
skills, the students often get difficulties in writing. Therefore, this study is a
qualitative research about those difficulties faced by the students.
The aims of the study is to know whether students get difficulties in
writing English sentences, and to analyze in which part students often get
mistakes in writing English sentences through recount text. Later, the result can
help the students to improve their writing abilities.
In collecting the data, the writer employs reliable and valid instrument that
is a test. The writer takes the data from the forth semester students of English
Department of UMP. In analyzing the data the writer use non-statistics method
that is descriptive qualitative data analysis.
The result shows that the average of the students’ errors is 51,99 %. It
belongs to fair criteria, which is categorized as good. It can be concluded that that
the fourth semester stundents’ English Educational Program of UMP get some
difficulties in making sentences in the form of recount text. Based on the result of
data correction, it can be concluded that the students got error most in
punctuation, part of speech uses, and words choice. Therefore, it can be said that
the students’ errors made refer to not only about English Grammar but also
English vocabulary.