The objective of this study are: 1) to explain the gramatical forms of alqalb
in the Holy Qur’an, 2) to explain the meanings of al-qalb in the Holy Qur’an,
3) to describe the implication of al-qalb for character education in Senior High
This study uses descriptive research. The data is collected by
documentation. The primary data is taken from the Holy Qur’an in every surah as
the main source of the data. The secondary data were taken from English
translation in electronic Holy Qur’an. The procedure of analyzing the data begins
by analyzing the grammatical of al-qalb in Holy Qur’an, the meaning of al-qalb
and the implication of al-qalb for character education.
The result of this study shows that the grammatical form of al-qalb are
noun,133 data (79.16 %), Adjective 0 %, preposition 0%, verb 35 data (20.84 %),
and foradverb 0%. The meaning of al-qalb there are heart 133 data ( 79.16%), turn
back 11 data ( 6.54%), return 15 data (8.92%), turn away 1 data (0.60%),
Organize 1 data (0.60%), Come back 6 data (3.58%) and unstable 1 data (0.60%).
The implication of the result, it is focused for character education in senor high
school. There are fourteen characters in English cyllabus ( religious, honesty,
tolerant, dicipline, hard work, curiosity,stand alone, democratic, enthusiasm, love,
respect, friendly, care, and responsibility.All of the meanings of Al Qalb in Holy
Qur’an can be applied in all characters in cyllabus except “turn back” in QS Al
Baqarah: 144 and “turn back” in QS Al Hajj : 11.