Slang is an unconventional words or phrases that express something new
or something old in a new way. Slang words sometimes flippant, impolite, and
improper. Slang language is not an official language or it is informal language
although it is widely used for oral communication in many purposes, as many
words quickly become outdated and obsolete because of trends. There is not
formal classification in slang language, except perhaps that it is a subclass of the
This study concerns with the analysis of slang in Another Cinderella Story
Movie. There are two objectives dealing with the topic, first, to describe slang
expressions and their meaning used in Another Cinderella Story movie, and the
second, to find out the characteristic of slang used in Another Cinderella Story
movie. This study used the descriptive qualitative research, because there was no
treatment like in experimental research and the form of data is the words form.
This study describes the meaning and characteristic of slang expression used in
Another Cinderella Story movie.
The result of the thesis showed that there were 55 slang words found in
Another Cinderella Story movie. From this research, the researcher found that
there four characteristics of slang, the first is creativity (47%) means that slang
language has cleverness, imagination, productivity, and talent. Second is Flippant
(26%) means that slang language has irrelevant word of the contexts. The third is
Fresh (22%) means that slang language has familiar words, different words, up to
date words. The last is Onomatopoeic (5%) means that slang language has
imitation words.
There are many aspects about slang language that can be analyzed by
another researcher. The researcher suggests other researchers to conduct other
researcher about this topic in different aspect. By studying slang words the
researcher hope it can enrich the students vocabulary.