English is used as the first foreign language and compulsory subject to be
taught, so the students are expected to master English. As the students of Senior
High School, reading is not strange thing anymore. If the teacher could take the
good teaching reading method, it would be helping the students to understand the
material of reading in very effective way. One instructional strategy that keeps
students engaged and active in a lesson is introducing cooperative learning using
jigsaw method. The objective of this research is to find out whether jigsaw method
is effective or not in improving students’ reading ability to comprehend narrative
text. In order to know the effectiveness the researcher compares to the result of
teaching using jigsaw Method to the result of teaching by using common method.
The study is called experimental research. The population of this research
is the second grade students of Muhammadiyah Senior High School of Gombong
in the academic year of 2011/2012. Population of this research is 111 students
from five classes. Sample of this research is two classes which are divided into
experimental group (XI IPA 2, 22 students) and control group (XI IPA 1, 24
students). The sampling technique which is used is purposive sampling. The test
consists of 30 items. Those are 25 test of multiple choice and 5 test of statement
true or false reading in the last part of pre-test and those are only multiple choices
reading tests in post-test. The test was conducted on 21th and 22nd May 2012 for
pre-test and on 28th and 29th May 2012 for post-test.
Statistically, the researcher analyzed the data by using t-test sample
related. The result of this study shows that there is positive and significant
effectiveness of teaching reading through jigsaw Method on the students’ reading
comprehension ability (Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted), since it was found that
the result of t-value is 5.039, the degree freedom (df) 44 and the level significance
of t-test table is 5%. It shows 2.021. It is proven by the result of the t-test sample
related that the t-value is higher than t-table (5.039>2.021). The research findings
indicate that the jigsaw Method is effective in teaching reading of narrative text. It
is suggested that English teachers use jigsaw Method as the one of cooperative
method in teaching reading in the classroom. The students who are taught by
using jigsaw Method will get better ability rather than students who have been
taught using common method.