In this modern era, people demand to have more than one language. English is
one language that become as International language. In Indonesia, English as foreign
language that must be studied by students. The basic component that mastered by
students is vocabulary. Vocabulary is one component in English that help students to
expert the English skills, and it must be taught by English teacher to the Elementary
school students. Teaching Vocabulary to elementary school students is not easy.
English teacher have to able to manage the teaching-learning process to be fun,
interesting and enjoyable, so students is never bored on learning English. The one
method that can be used to teach English vocabulary is Team Game Tournament.
From the statements above, the researcher conduct the research entitled “The
Effectiveness of Using Team Game Tournament to increase vocabulary mastery of the
fifth grade students of SD Negeri Keburusan in the academic year of 2011/2012.”.
The objective of this research is to find out whether using team Game tournaments is
effective or not to increase students’ vocabulary mastery of the fifth grade students of
SD Negeri Keburusan. The type of this research is pre-experimental quantitative. The
sample of this research is 27 students as experimental group, and there is no control
group because limitation of the number sample on population. The researcher
collected the data by giving pre-test and post-test to sample.
The result of this research revealed that using Team Game tournament is
effective to increase the students’ vocabulary mastery. It was proved that the result of
t-value is 9.806, and based on the critical value of t-table by using the 5% (0,05 )
significance level, the value of t-table is 2.055. it means that t-value is higher than ttable
(9.806>2.055). Moreover, the mean of pre-test is 61.33, and the mean of post-test
is 89.19. It means that the mean of post-test is higher than the mean of pre-test. It
showed that using team game tournament on the teaching-learning process gives a
positive contribution toward the students’ vocabulary mastery. The result of research
finding proved that the Hypothesis of research (Ha) is accepted. Moreover, Using
Team Game Tournament as methods of teaching to increase vocabulary mastery of SD
Negeri Keburusan in the academic year of 2011/2012 is effective. The researcher
suggest for English teacher to apply Team Game tournament as teaching method on
teaching-learning process.