dc.description.abstract |
English as foreign language isn’t easy to learn. Media become very
important for teacher to make their class be more interesting. To make teaching
learning process easier and more effective, teacher need to find appropriate media
to deliver their material. In this globalization era, English online quiz become nice
as media to teach English, especially writing. This research made to find whether
using English online quiz develops students writing skill for eleventh graders of
SMA N 1 Kaliwiro in the academic year 2013/ 2014.
The type of this research is experimental and quantitative research. The
design is pre-experimental intact-group comparison. The number of the
population in this research is 115 students. The number of the sample is 40. The
sampling technique which is used is sampling incidental. The researcher used two
classes from one group. The first, experimental group is class XI IPA 1 which
consist of 20 students. Then as control group is 20 students of class XI IPA 2. The
researcher used test as instrument to collect the data. The test divided to pre-test
and post-test. The data was analyzed by using descriptive analysis and inferential
The result of the research found that the mean of experimental group is
79,9. Than the score of control group is 69,9. It shows that score of the
experimental class is higher than the control group ( 79,9 > 69,9 ). Besides that,
the result of t-value is 4,61. Whether based on 5% significant level and degree of
freedom 50 on the t-table is 2,0244. It shows that t-value is higher than t-table (
4,6100 > 2,0244 ). The computation of t-test shows that the hypothesis alternative
is accepted. There are influence of using English online quiz for students’ writing
skill. The using of English online quiz improves the students’ writing skill for
eleventh graders of SMA N1 Kaliwiro in the academic year 2013/ 2014. |
en_US |