English is a language of international communication, and it is the widely
spoken language in the world. There are many aspects to communicate properly,
and one of them is pronunciation. Pronunciation affects very much on the
understanding of the meanings of the words. If the sound of words is different
from it should be, it may lead the listener to some other meanings. And if this
happens, it is obvious that it’s not a proper communication. This, in fact, creates a
confusion. Pronunciation teaching is a prominent factor in foreign language
teaching. Since sounds play an important role in communication, foreign language
teachers must attribute proper importance to teaching pronunciation in their
classes. However, this fact is neglected by many foreign language teachers.
This research designs employed descriptive qualitative research. This
study is intended to identify students’ errors in pronunciation and show teacher’s
strategy in overcoming students’ errors in pronunciation at the eleventh grade of
class Bahasa of SMA N 4 Purworejo. The writer takes 1 English teacher and 27
students as the sample of this research. The writer collects the data by observing,
documenting, and interviewing. The writer observes students’ errors in
pronouncing English words through reading test, and the title of the text of
reading test is Encouraging to Use Mass Transportation that is available in the
handout that the teacher usually uses. Then, the writer identifies students’ errors in
pronunciation. Also, she interviews the English teacher for teacher’s strategy in
overcoming students’ errors in pronunciation to confirm the data from
After conducting the research, the writer finds that some consonant and
vowel sounds which are pronounced incorrectly by students. The consonants are:
[dʒ], [g], [tʃ], [v], [ð ], [z] and the vowels are [uː], [æ], [ɑː], [iː], [ɒ], [ɔː], [ə]. The
result of this study showed that teacher’s strategy in overcoming students’ errors
in pronunciation is drilling, chaining, and substitution drill. The strategies are used
by considering the material taught in the class.