Language is very important in our life and its function is for
communication.Vocabulary is one of the language components that needed in
mastering English.In learning vocabulary, many problems faced by students, so
that they are very difficult to understand all of materials that her or his teacher
explained. The problem that faced by students is the teacher mostly teach
vocabulary through the traditional method. There huge blackboards for teachers to
write and children to copy though a smaller whiteboard is available for illustration
purposes when needed. Therefore, the researcher using Montessori method to
improve vocabulary mastery at smp n 9 purworejo. The researcher hopes that
teaching vocabulary in vocabulary material will make the students enjoy the
learning proccess.
The type of research used quantitative with an experimental method. The
researcher took two classes as the samples, class VIIA as a experimental group
(32 students) and class VII F as a control group (32 students). The researcher uses
purposive sampling technique because of the recomendation from the teacher of
SMP N 9 Purworejo. The researcher used test in this research as a research
instrument. She used Montessori method which is taught in experimental class
,while in control class she used conventional method. In technique of analyzing
data, mean and standard deviation are used in the descriptive analysis, while test
of normality, homogeneity and t test are used in the inferential analysis. To see
whether the hypothesis is accepted or rejected, the result of t-test is consulted to
the t-table at the 0.05 significance level.
The result of the thesis shows that the mean of pre-test is 64.84 and the
mean of post-test is 75.47. it indicates that there is on improvement of students
vocabulary mastery after the researcher used Montessori method.
From the computation , the value of t-test is higher than t-table with the
level of significance 5% and N= 32 (4.162> 2.000). It means Ho is rejected
whereas Ha is accepted. Based on the result findings, it can be concluded that
using Montessori method is effective to improve vocabulary mastery