English is an international language and used as the medium of information
flow on science, technology, and culture as well. As we are in developing country we
should try to able to speak English to make a good relationship with other countries in
the world. Including Indonesia. English is also the compulsory subject that is taught to
the students from the Elementary School up to Senior High School.
The research is conducted to find out whether or not there is significant
different between teaching narrative text using Barbie film and that without it. This
research was carried out at SMP N 13 Purworejo in the third week of July 2012. The
population of this study is students of SMP N 13 Purworejo. As the sample, the
researcher used 32 students out the population. The researcher use random sampling
technique to take the sample. To collect the data, the researcher used a test as the
instrument. There were pre-test and post-test. Pre test was conducted before the
researcher gave treatment to the students. Post-test was conducted after the researcher
gave treatment to the students. The type of test was multiple choice test which consist of
20 questions in each test. And to analyzed data, the researcher used t-test formula.
The result of data computation indicated t-score is 5.669 and t –table is
1.697.It means that t-score of this study is higher than t-table, the hypothesis is accepted.
Watching English Barbie Film can make the students easier to understanding
narrative text. The researcher hopes that the result of this study will be useful for
students, teacher, and headmaster who ever involve in education field. English teacher
should pay attention to media and improve the media to stimulate the students in the
teaching-learning process. So that their English ability will increase.