Conducting this research, the researcher wants to find out whether or not
the use of alphabet game effective in improving the students’ vocabulary mastery
among the fifth grade student of SD N 1 Semanding. This study is an
The population of this research is the fifth grade students of elementary
school SD N 1 Semanding. The researcher took 62 students as the sample. As the
experimental group, the researcher used class V A, which consists of 30 students.
Meanwhile, as the control group, the researcher took 32 students of class V B.In
collecting the data, the researcher uses test. She uses pre- test and post-test. The
researcher taught vocabulary by using Alphabet Game to the experimental group
and orally to the control group.
As the fact, the result of the computation of t-value is 5.407. Based on the
5 % significant level, the value of t-table is 1.671. The result of computation
shows that t-value is higher than t-table that is 5.407>1.671. The mean of posttest
control group is 70.06. Meanwhile, the mean of post-test experimental group
is 79.8.The highest score of post-test control group was 86 and the lowest one was
58. While the highest score of post-test experimental group was 92 and the lowest
one was 62. It can be seen the mean score of experimental that is higher than the
mean of control group.Based on the result finding, it means that teaching
vocabulary using Alphabet Game is effective in improving students’ Vocabulary
mastery on the fifth grade students of SD N 1 Semanding in the Academic Year of