The objectives of this research are to describe student’s and leturer’s need related to the improvement of the quality of learning writing scientific works in accordance with its learning model; the level of acceptance of multiple intelligence learning model oriented on student’s participation on content substance and flexibility of design model structure, and the effectiveness of learning model multiple intelligence oriented on student’s participation produced on the improvement of achievement of writing scientific works. To test fit model or hypothetical model in conceptual and theoritical supported by empiric data, student’s instrument, it’s analyzed using confirmatory factor analisys (CFA) by Lisrel program. Teacher’s instrument is analyzed with factor analysis using SPSS for windows. Developing model used use descriptive, evaluative, and experimental model, and also quantitative test using structural equation modeling (SEM) by Lisrel program. The output of the research result is a draft model of KMP validated by team of expert with the average score is 3,70 (being able to use with minor revision). KMP model is rated as a good assessed as a good model (4.02) viewed from the comprehension, practicality, and frugality of the use of model. The analysis of suitability test between hypothesis KMP model and field data based on the implementation test data, it is obtained a) all variables seem to have value ( λ ) >0.3; b) Chi - Square = 0.61, df = 1, ρ - value = 0.43 (> 0.05); c) RMSEA is 0.00 (< 0.08); and d) GFI = 0.99 ( > 0.90 ). The results of analysis show that there is a suitability between KMP model and field data . The average of the ability of critical-creative thinking of experiment 3 for the control group is 68.31, while the experimental group is 74.88. It mean that the treatment of KMPP influences to learning process. Test results of t = 15.066 > t table = 1.98. The difference of the average scor is sated significant and proved effective in improving the ability of writing scientific works.
Keywords : multiple intelligences, participatory, scientific work